Eye Camps
To address the problem of adult blindness, Eye Check-Up and Operation Camps are organized at the Manav Kalyan Hospital on the 15th of every month. Thousands of patients undergo successful cataract surgeries, post which free medicines and spectacles are also provided. The hospital has also invested in a spectrophotometer, an advanced instrument for eye check-up which is used in these periodic eye camps.
Diabetes Detecting Camps
Recognizing the rapidly growing incidences of diabetes mellitus, especially among children and juveniles, Diabetes Detection Camps are organized at the Manav Kalyan Hospital on the 10th of every month.
Blood Donation Camps
Regular Blood Donation Camps are organized at the Manav Kalyan Hospital to contribute to the local blood bank reserves.
Besides these, specialized medical camps are organized periodically to help patients suffering from gynaecological problems, cardiac issues and high cholesterol, cancer, dental problems, ENT diseases and other ailments. Manav Kalyan Hospital also distributes free medicines to Self Help Groups created by the Trust to empower women.